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Persuasive Presentations

Learn the persuasive presentation skills needed to present confidently and persuasively to stand out in your business career.



Persuasive Presentation


Your ability to present well is critical to your upward mobility and success in the business world. Whether you need to sell, persuade, influence, inspire or convince, your presentation skills will set you apart from competitors (whether internal or external). To be confident, well-prepared and informed, you must have excellent presentation skills.

The persuasive presentation training course is designed to introduce you to the principles of influence and for you to know the components of what makes a persuasive presentation work. We will teach you how to: develop a persuasive structure for your presentations, develop an engaging hook, create a persuasive call-to-action, and the body language required to persuade effectively.

What’s included?
  • Persuasive presentation seminar delivered by a certified adult educator with 15 years of sales/business/public speaking experience
  • Persuasive presentation templates and tools

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Persuasive Presentation Program?

The Persuasive Presentation Program is a course designed as an introduction to persuasive presentation principles. It introduces you to the ideas and concepts of how to present persuasively. The course explores how to:

  • Develop a persuasive structure to your presentations
  • Create an engaging hook
  • Craft a persuasive CTA (Call-to-Action)
  • Emulate the body language required to persuade effectively
  • And much more
What should I expect from a persuasive presentation training course?

The course is designed to offer a blend of ways to help you construct a persuasive presentation. You can expect detailed instructions on how to structure an effective persuasive presentation; how to implement the mechanics of weaving your presentation with persuasion tactics; how to make slide design work in your favor for the purposes of persuasion.

Can the persuasive presentation training help me overcome stage fright or public speaking anxiety?

Yes! Our Persuasive Presentation Program teaches you how to understand your audience and the non-verbal communication skills (for both in-person and online applications) that will help you feel more confident and comfortable on stage. Moreover, the course will improve your ability to present in the business world. So regardless if you’re selling, influencing, persuading or inspiring, your enhanced presentation skills from this course will help to set you apart from competitors.

Is the persuasive presentation training suitable for beginners?

This course was designed and structured for industry professionals and high-performing leaders. Some of the clientele includes:

  • Managers
  • Executives
  • High-potential leaders
  • Experienced entrepreneurs and business owners
  • High-performing professionals

Who Can Use These Free Courses?


  • Executives, managers, and high-potential leaders from a range of functional areas, such as sales, marketing, project management, and operations
  • Experienced business owners, entrepreneurs, and franchise owners
  • Professionals involved in complex stakeholder relations
  • Professionals involved in mergers and acquisitions

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this program, you will be able to:

  • Design an effective persuasive presentation structure;
  • Select a hook that will immediately engage your audience;
  • Understand how to weave persuasion throughout your presentation;
  • Appreciate how slide design can work in your favor to persuade;
  • Map your physical space to optimally engage and persuade your audience.


The persuasive presentation training focuses on the development of key skills related to building persuasive presentations where we will cover:

  • Persuasive Presentation Myth Busting
  • Understand the Objectives of the Presentation
  • Understand your Audience
  • Persuasive Presentation Structure
  • Developing a Persuasive Hook
  • Developing Content and Integrating Persuasion
  • Developing a Persuasive Call-to-Action and Immediate Action
  • Slide design, Structure and Volume
  • Understanding the Venue (physical vs. online)
  • Non-verbal Communication in Presentations (physical vs. online)
Presentation testimonial bg

“…he and the content were engaging and tailored to our industry.”

Mark delivered an amazing full day of negotiations training to our sales team and provided real, actionable systems and tools that we could implement immediately in our sales and negotiations practices. Both he and the content were engaging and tailored to our industry. The care and attention he placed to crafting the training to our needs was very evident.

— Steve Bromley, VP Industrial Rail at Cando Rail Services