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Conflict Resolution

Showing 1–10 of 42 posts

What is Your Style Under Stress? Throwback with Joseph Grenny, Ep #444

How do you handle stressful conversations? Do you know how you’re likely to react? Do you default to being aggressive or combative? It’s crucial that you understand how you react—i.e. your “style under stress”— in tense situations to change how you show up in the moment. Navigating these conversations is Joseph Grenny’s specialty. He shares where to get started in this throwback episode of Negotiations Ninja.  (more…)

Nn 437 william ury

Lessons Learned from a Failed Negotiation with William Ury, Ep #437 

William Ury is one of the most well-known—and experienced—names in the field of mediation and negotiation. He’s worked around the globe in every circumstance imaginable. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, we talk about what he’s learned throughout his storied career, including what he’s learned from the failures. (more…)


Communicating through Disagreements, Throwback with Debra Roberts, Ep #436

If a conversation with an employee has become a disagreement and you can’t seem to work through it, what do you do? Communicating through disagreements is tricky. Where do you start? According to Debra Roberts, you need to get to the root of the issue by listening. Only then can you determine next steps. Learn her framework in this throwback episode of Negotiations Ninja. (more…)

Nn 433 keld jensen

Are You an Unconsciously Incompetent Negotiator? Keld Jensen Weighs In, Ep #433 

Why are most negotiators unconsciously incompetent? Keld lives and breathes negotiation. He’s been negotiating since 1998. Before that, he was the CEO of a tech company. He thought he was a great negotiator but realized he was unconsciously incompetent. It was a terrible realization. What you choose to do when you’re hit with the realization dictates whether or not you’ll become a competent negotiator. Learn more in this intriguing episode...

Ryan Dunlap

Resolving Conflict Begins with Self-Awareness According to Ryan Dunlap, Ep #411

Self-confidence and self-control in conflict are difficult things to master. And you can’t resolve conflict with others until you learn to resolve conflict within yourself. This takes an incredible amount of self-awareness. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, Ryan shares how you can learn to resolve conflict the right way by starting with knowing yourself. (more…)


Finding Everyday Opportunities to Negotiate, Throwback with Suzanne de Janasz, Ep #404

Most people miss everyday opportunities to negotiate. Many of us are psychologically wired to accept things as they are. We don’t try to negotiate bills or ask for discounts and miss out on everyday negotiation opportunities. Suzanne de Janasz believes that’s a mistake. We need to learn to recognize opportunities to negotiate. But gender, cultural, and other biases alter one’s perceptions. Suzanne shares how you can begin to overcome these...


The Interrogation Conversation is about Communication, Throwback with Michael Reddinton, Ep #382

Interrogations get a bad name but the truth is an interrogation conversation is about one thing: communication. How? You need to communicate effectively to compel someone to tell you the truth. So how do you master the interrogation conversation? Michael Reddington shares how you can get to the truth while building trust and rapport in this throwback episode of Negotiations Ninja!  (more…)

Mastering mediation preparation

Mastering Mediation Preparation with Amy Mariani Ep #373

What should mediation preparation look like? How do you select the best mediator for your case? How do you make the most of a mandatory negotiation should you ever find yourself in that position? Amy Mariani—who practiced law for 20 years before transitioning into mediation—answers these questions and so much more in this episode of Negotiations Ninja. (more…)


The Dos and Don’ts of Written Negotiation, Throwback with Giuseppe Conti, Ep #370

Negotiating via email, text, social media, Zoom, or any other virtual way of communication is tricky, at best. A written conversation doesn’t allow for reading body language, tone of voice, etc. So when you can’t pick up the phone or meet in person, are you doomed to fail? Or do you just need to master a different skillset? Giuseppe Conti shares the dos and don’ts of negotiating via written communication...

BATNA with George Seidel

Why Your BATNA is the Key to Negotiation Planning with George Siedel, Ep #361

George Siedel—a Professor at the University of Michigan—wrote a great book called, “Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills,” in which he shares the importance of planning. He believes so strongly in planning that he gives away numerous negotiation planning tools for free. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, we cover planning in negotiation, the 4th and 5th key numbers for financial consideration, and how to understand and consider life goals...