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Procurement page: 8

Showing 71–80 of 110 posts
Nn podcast banners 111 jeanette nyden and lawrence kane

Developing A Contract Playbook, with Jeanette Nyden and Lawrence Kane, Ep #111

For procurement and other contract-related roles, there has never been any kind of contract playbook that new people to the profession can look to for guidance. The wait is over. This episode of Negotiations Ninja features co-authors Jeanette Nyden and Lawrence Kane who have quite literally just written the book on the subject. “The Contract Professional’s Playbook” is now available on Amazon and sets the standard for developing procurement talent,...

Nn podcast banners 107 stephen kozicki

How To Create Value In Negotiations, Ep #107

One of the reasons I’m happy to have someone like Stephen Kozicki on the podcast is because he brings an entirely different perspective to the process of negotiation through his approach to discovering and creating value. Stephen takes a very data-based, provable approach that serves incredibly well because it removes egos from the process and demonstrates tangible outcomes that offers of lower price alone cannot overcome. Listen to hear Stephen’s...

Nn podcast banners 106 kevin frechette and tarek alaruri

Building An A.I. Powered Negotiation and Procurement Chain, with Kevin Frechette and Tarek Alaruri Ep #106

Procurement chains become increasingly complex the larger an organization becomes, which means that many gaps occur that cost the organization money rather than saving it. Valuable, cost-saving data is missed or lost, processes are elongated, and inefficiencies grow. A.I. and Machine Learning are tools that can be used to address these issues and many others. It’s up to us as the procurement professionals in our organizations to open our minds...

Nn podcast banners 97 roger dooley

The Science Of Influence For Negotiation & Procurement with Roger Dooley, Ep #97 

SUMMARY The science of influence is fascinating. It’s one of the ways those of us in procurement or involved in negotiations can learn to be better at our craft. This episode features author and speaker, Roger Dooley who I asked to teach us what science teaches about influence, and how we can use it to get better deals in our negotiations. Roger explains how to practically apply neuroscience, behavior technology,...

Nn podcast banners 96 keld jensen

Rethinking Negotiation Training To Add Value To Agreements, with Keld Jensen, Ep #96

We all want to walk away from our negotiations with more value, but for that to happen we’ve got to rethink and reapply a kind of negotiation training that can get us there. Keld Jensen is at the forefront of a movement to rebuild negotiation training from the ground up, starting with a mindset that moves away from the Zero-Sum game that most of us have been taught and toward...

Nn podcast banners 95 shaun syvertsen

Negotiating ERP Implementations with Shaun Syvertsen, Ep #95

ERP implementation is a difficult and lengthy process that can make or break an organization. So how does an enterprise roll out the implementation effectively and efficiently? What processes or procedures can smooth the transition from an old system to a new one? Shaun Syvertsen with ConvergentIS shares how to make the process easier and how to avoid common failure points. He emphasizes the necessity of getting high-level management involved...

Nn podcast banners 92 antonio humphreys

Creating Alignment with Challenging Internal Customers, Ep #92

Antonio Humphreys leads marketing procurement at Adobe and joins us to chat about identifying and solving internal challenges. Antonio helps us dispel the myths around challenging internal customers and what we can do to improve these internal relationships. Spoiler alert! A lot of it comes down to Emotional Intelligence (EQ). (more…)

Nn podcast banners 91 jason cammorata

From Singing to Sourcing, Ep #91

SUMMARY Jason Cammorata joins us to chat about the benefits unique and different backgrounds can have for procurement professionals. As a long-time, high-performing musician, Jason learned a lot about performance, planning, and preparation that he applied to his procurement and negotiation career. What lessons can we learn from our past experiences? How can we take the skills we've learned and leverage them today? This week we're reflecting on our past...

Nn podcast banners 90 matthias schranner

Deadlock in Negotiation Should Be Your Starting Point, Ep #90

In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, we’re talking with Matthias Schranner—former hostage negotiator and founder of the Schranner Negotiation Institute—about the mistakes that people make in negotiations. We're focusing on the biggest mistake—the avoidance of deadlocks. Why shouldn’t we avoid deadlock? Because sometimes starting in a deadlock gets you to the best possible outcomes. Matthias shares why it's important to start with a deadlock and more importantly, how to get...

Nn podcast banners 89 cal chrustie

A Systems Approach To Negotiations: The 3 S’s, Ep #89

This week we’re chatting with Cal Chrustie, a war-time and hostage negotiation expert who now consults with organizations around the world. In this episode of the Negotiations Ninja, he talks about what he calls the three S’s—strategy, structure, and self. How do we strategize for negotiation? What’s the structure of a properly set up deal? And the third S—self: How do we go about understanding ourselves, our values, and what...