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Nn podcast banners 56 wies bratby

How Women Can Develop Confidence in Negotiation with Wies Bratby, Ep #56

Sadly, negotiation is a life skill that women typically don't get taught. And Wies Bratby’s mission is to correct that. Wies, the Chief Enthusiasm Officer at Women in Negotiation, teaches how women can empower themselves to negotiate raises, promotions, and better benefits for themselves. Ultimately it all comes down to the development of confidence. And as I learned, women view negotiating for themselves very differently than negotiating for others. Learn...

Nn podcast banners 55 susan ibitz

Human Behavior Hacking In Negotiations with Susan Ibitz, Ep #55

Some people hack computer systems but Susan Ibitz hacks human behavior. Susan runs a company called the Human Behavior Lab where she and her team specialize in face reading, statement analysis, body language, and micro-expressions. In this episode, we jump into these four areas with both feet and discuss how understanding each of these areas can make you a better negotiator and a better communicator. Susan even shares how you...

Nn podcast banners 54

How to Negotiate a Raise, Ep #54

I’ve had a stack of people reach out to me and ask how to negotiate a raise or a new salary. The raise/salary negotiation is likely the most foreboding negotiation most people ever have to go through. And it’s something that almost everyone will have to face. So in this episode of Negotiations Ninja, I’ll be laying out, step-by-step, exactly how to negotiate a raise or new salary. It’s not...

Nn podcast banners 53 joe navarro

Nonverbal Communications in Negotiation, Ep #53

Joe Navarro has spent a lifetime observing others. He spent 25 years as a Special Agent for the FBI, conducting and supervising interrogations of spies and other dangerous criminals, honing his mastery of nonverbal communication. (more…)

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How to Generate Discussion in Negotiations, Ep #52

Many people in procurement are data-driven, analytical, and tend to be introverted. So how do you generate discussion in a negotiation so that the other party begins to talk about their business, opportunities, needs, and their wants? In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, I’ll walk you through a formulaic process to guide the conversation to get what you need (and assess what the other party needs). You can then use...

Nn podcast banners 51 brian brushwood

Magic, Negotiation and Deception with Brian Brushwood, Ep #51

I’ve been waiting to have this conversation for a long time. Full confession, I’m a huge magic fan. And one of my favorite acts is a guy named Brian Brushwood. He’s a magician, podcaster, author and television personality. Brian also has a great show called Scam School where he teaches viewers how to use magic to scam beers off of friends in the bar—but for a good reason. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 50 jack cambria

Hostage and Crisis Negotiations with Jack Cambria, Ep #50

This is a very personal conversation I had with a living legend in the world of hostage and crisis negotiations. This interview challenged me on more levels than I thought it would and it personally feels like the best interview I’ve ever done, but not because of anything I did. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 49 kurt dahl

Negotiation in the Entertainment Business with Kurt Dahl, Ep #49

Kurt is an entertainment lawyer and has been actively involved in the music industry for the past two decades. His clients range from Juno-winning bands, record labels, publishers, and managers, to the smallest up-and-coming artists. He tours the country regularly with his band “One Bad Son,” working with some of the biggest names in the music business, like Def Leppard and Judas Priest. Kurt and I talk about negotiating in...

Nn podcast banners 48 mark davis

Episode 48 – Confidence in Negotiation

SUMMARY Mark Davis is a performance mindset coach and he believes that how you negotiate your way through your life and career all comes down to your mindset. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 47 michael wheeler

Episode 47 – Improvisation in Negotiation

SUMMARY Mr. Michael Wheeler, professor at Harvard Business School and author of the Art of Negotiation, is on the show. Mike's book dives into a topic that most people don't talk about and that's the role of improvisation in negotiations. We get into how to improvise and what you need to do to ensure you're light on your feet so you can react when you need to. (more…)