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Nn podcast banners 46 shira mor

Episode 46 – Gender Stereotyping in Negotiations

SUMMARY How do gender and identity affect negotiations? It's an important question. And sometimes we ignore these types of questions because they have the potential to be controversial and inflammatory. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 45 mike cadieux

Episode 45 – Chief Procurement Officer to Entrepreneur

SUMMARY Michael Cadieux was the Americas Chief Procurement Officer of one of the largest communication firms in the world. But he left safe and stable employment to strike it out on his own. Why? I aim to find out. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 44 sandra gault

Episode 44 – Negotiation in the Women’s Shoe Industry

SUMMARY The amazing and incredible Sandra Gault ( is on the show. To call Sandra a disrupter would be an understatement. She's literally turned the women's shoe industry on it's head. We get into an amazing conversation about raising capital, developing credibility, and negotiating with shoe manufacturers. This is the sixth of seven interviews that I did at the WIN Summit. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 43 chris voss

Episode 43 – Never Split the Difference

If you don't know who Chris Voss is, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of his book: Never Split the Difference. It will change the way you look at negotiation forever. In this episode, Chris and I talk about some of the finer nuances and intricacies behind the tactics he teaches in his book. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 42 dr. nicole johnson and dr. laura manyweather

Episode 42 – How Do You Handle “No”?

SUMMARY How do you handle "no"? Because that's ultimately what we all want to know. The word "no" is scary because it feels like we're being rejected. And rejection hurts! But maybe there's a way to re-frame "no". Does "no" actually mean "no"? Or is it an opportunity to reflect and re-frame and find an opportunity to be creative to meet the needs of your customer more?​ This is the...

Nn podcast banners 41 bruce linton

Episode 41 – Negotiation in the Cannabis Business

SUMMARY We talk about the tech industry as being a disruptive space a lot. But what about the cannabis industry? This interview is with Bruce Linton, the Founder, CEO and Chairman of Canopy Growth Corporation. Canopy is the largest cannabis producer in the world and Bruce has been largely responsible for it's growth as well as the growth of the cannabis industry in general. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 40 caroline hubbard

Episode 40 – Negotiate the Change You Want To See

SUMMARY Caroline Hubbard, a young Harvard grad who works at LinkedIn as a strategy analyst is on the show to talk about enacting change in the work place and the negotiation skills required to do so. But more than that, it was about how different generations in the work place can work together to generate better results. Of course we talked about Millennials and their impact on the work place and she was...

Nn podcast banners 39 stacey taylor

Episode 39 – Procurement and Negotiations in Hotels and Casinos

SUMMARY Stacey Taylor, SVP & Chief Procurement Officer of MGM Resorts International, and I talk about the unique procurement and negotiation challenges that exist in the hotel and casino business. With nearly 30 years of experience in procurement, she has a unique understanding on procurement. She's served in procurement leadership positions with ConAgra and Tyco and serves on the board of ISM and as an adviser to COUPA and WRMSDC....

Nn podcast banners 38 cary carbonaro

Episode 38 – The Money Queen Speaks

SUMMARY This interview is with  the Money Queen, Cary Carbonaro and we talk all about how women can negotiate their personal finances. (more…)

Nn podcast banners 37 patrick tinney

Episode 37 – Patrick Tinney on Negotiation Strategy and Questions

SUMMARY Often, the key differentiating factor between an unsuccessful negotiation and a successful one is the strategy behind it. And that's what Patrick Tinney (Founder of Centroid Training and Marketing) and I talk about on today's show. (more…)